Pike Jumps On Shore !

a pike eats a smaller fishAmazing footage while a releasing a small northern pike: the fish seems  not want to leave his rescuers and leaps back on the beach. It’s because it’s pursued by a bigger one, which would like it for lunch! Pretty smart leap, and finally rescued twice 🙂

a big pike eats a smaller pike

  • Pike RIG Heavy
  • PIKE & SHOTTE Warlord Games, Pike and Shotthe - Landsknecht Starter Army, Wargaming Miniatures É
    Échelle : 28 mm 1/56ème Tous les modèles sont livrés non peints et démontés La colle et la peinture ne sont pas incluses Contenu : 144 figurines en plastique, 1 artillerie en métal et 2 équipes 12 ans et plus
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