Giant Shark Attacks Swordfish!

shark makoOff Northland, New Zealand.
Matt Watson and crew caught a 600 pounds swordfish, but it’s attacked by a huge mako shark of the same size.
Then begins a race to bring the swordfish on board in one piece.
An epic fight !

mako shark attacks

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2 Responses to Giant Shark Attacks Swordfish!

  1. Fisheroots says:

    tres fort…
    au fait c est un espadon et pas un espadon voilier
    pas le meme poisson.
    l espadon peut aller jusqu a 400 500 kg
    l espadon voilier va au max dans les 100 kg
    merci, impressionnante video

    • pecheur says:

      Yes, it’s a swordfish and not a sailfish as I wrote incorrectly on Facebook.
      En français : ouais 😉